Photo of Thomas Iwinski

Thomas Iwinski

Instructional Designer


  • Office for Digital Learning
  • Penn State Facilities Engineering Institute

102A Hammond Building

Interest Areas:

E-learning specialist

Thomas Iwinski, M.S. is a certification instructor for the Penn State Facilities Engineering Institute (PSFEI) Visible Emission Training Program (Smoke School). When not traveling for Smoke School, he is an instructional designer developing instructional materials for online programs and courses. He earned a master’s degree in Instructional Technology and a bachelor’s degree in Communications Media. Iwinski has designed and authored several instructional simulations for safety and security, emergency operations, tele-medicine, land use principles, and business leadership. Iwinski has over 25 years of experience designing and developing online courseware and training for corporations and higher education. He co-authored the book, Multimedia Training, Developing Technology-Based Systems, McGraw Hill 1996, and designed and built several technology-based classrooms.






The Office for Digital Learning in the College of Engineering supports engineers in lifelong learning - the process of acquiring the skills and knowledge necessary to remain current in a chosen field. In today's rapidly-changing, knowledge-based economy, engineers must devote the time and effort to learn new skills and technologies in order to add value for their employers and clients and to remain personally marketable.

Office for Digital Learning

College of Engineering

Penn State University

University Park, PA 16802

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