Image of computer circuitry with text overlay that reads "Learning Re-engineered" Promoting innovative approaches to engineering education on campus and online, we offer a variety of degree and certificate programs, develop individual online courses, and work with faculty to enhance teaching and learning.

Office for Digital Learning

For Faculty

The Office for Digital Learning has curated a collection of teaching strategies, educational technology tools, tutorials, and templates designed for engineering faculty.

Learn more at our Digital Teaching Website.

For Students

The College of Engineering offers fully online degrees and certificate programs through Penn State World Campus. To learn more about these programs and courses, visit our programs page.

Online classes are also offered outside of World Campus degree programs to meet the needs of resident students and students from other institutions. To learn more, visit our courses page.

Non-credit microcredentials are also available for learners to engage in professional development. To learn more, visit our microcredential page.




The Office for Digital Learning in the College of Engineering supports engineers in lifelong learning - the process of acquiring the skills and knowledge necessary to remain current in a chosen field. In today's rapidly-changing, knowledge-based economy, engineers must devote the time and effort to learn new skills and technologies in order to add value for their employers and clients and to remain personally marketable.

Office for Digital Learning

College of Engineering

Penn State University

University Park, PA 16802

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